Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Enter to Win a Goosebumps Haunted Halloween Vacation from TrueMoo!

My youngest son LOVES chocolate milk; if I let him, he'd have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And, wow, does he get wound for sound when he has it!  :)
So, I was excited when I saw that TruMoo has come out with special edition milks (Chocolate and Vanilla flavor) for Halloween time this year...AND they have a super fun contest to enter for a Goosebumps Haunted Halloween Vacation.  Click here to enter!  You can also get a $2 off coupon on a Goosebumps DVD just for entering!  I know we are going to have a frightfully exciting Halloween all juiced up on chocolate milk and Goosebumps in my house!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vocalpoint: Request FREE Root Touch-Up, Nice N' Easy Hair Color

Got Roots?

Hurry on over to the Vocalpoint site to register for a FREE box of Root Touch-Up Nice 'n Easy hair color!  You'll also receive two $2 off coupons to pass out to your friends.  Your coupons should arrive within 5-7 weeks.
Root Touch-Up by Nice 'n Easy is a permanent formula designed to extend the life of your color for up to 3 weeks, so your roots never get a chance to
peek through.

*Must be a Vocalpoint member; limited quantities available. Only one envelope will be mailed per member. Coupon is for one FREE box of Root Touch-Up by Nice ‘n Easy and two $2 off coupons for friends. Please allow 5-7 weeks for delivery.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dental Denial

Random Rambling!

I had to go to the dentist for a cleaning today.  Time for my annual check up...which always behind the scenes means, Cha-Ching for them because they can bill out insurance with X-rays and a visit with the actual dentist to take a stroll through my mouth and see what he can find.

I was bummed today because they found a piece of one of my back molars missing.  Unfortunately, it is right in the center.  The dentist told me that he'd go in and do a filling if he could, but once he removes the small portion surrounding the missing area, he may discover a crack that could potentially run along the centerline of the entire tooth.  If that happens, CHA-CHING, time for a crown.  But, he won't know until he's knee deep in the actual procedure.  Of course.

After hearing the news, they led me back to the cashier.  No charge for my visit today as it is all covered under insurance.  AWESOME.  GREAT.  PERFECTO!  Cue cashier printing off potential charges for filling or crown.  Filling, completely insured.  $0 out of pocket.  Crown, UM...not so much.  $476 out of pocket.  Procedure will be in two weeks.  Yeah, who has $476 laying around?

I just love the whole health and dental insurance game going on in our country.  We have pretty good coverage, and I feel fortunate to have coverage at all.  But, wowsers, why do I feel like we're still getting overcharged for procedures like this in our country? 

Here's hoping it will be just a filling!   Don't even get me started on my thyroid medicine that used to be $10 a month that was recalled and now my new thyroid meds are $66 for a 28-day supply!

Random Rambling for today Concluded.

Concannon Wine Review

If you know me, it's pretty appropriate that I begin my blog with a review of wine.  Hey, let's just say I'm heart healthy!

I am a BzzAgent (what's that, you ask?  Click here to find out!) and they picked me for the Concannon Vineyard Wine campaign.

First, I will mention that in terms of wine, I very rarely drink whites (er, never), AND I tend to prefer the really hearty reds and Italian varietels (hey, who doesn't like Italians???)

I purchased the Concannon Cabernet Sauvignon from my local Publix.  This wine falls into the $10-$15 price category.  For me, that's table wine price, not dressed to impress the husband's boss.  But, you need the day to day stuff too, especially if you have kids, lol! 

I was so excited to be on my first BzzAgent mission, that I really should have planned and paired the meal better.  I was all about the wine.  I took the easy road that particular day and just bought a rotisserie chicken and a microwave freezer bag of veggies.  First of all, let me just say that chicken is really tricky to pair properly with a red wine as it is.  I don't know what I was thinking.  Again, I had my "wine goggles" of excitement on.  Secondly,  I don't think I've ever found a Cab that goes well with rotisserie chicken.

Trying the wine before the meal (hey, I wanted to make sure I didn't poison my husband!) I found it to be what I would consider a decent table wine to add to my repertoire of Monday through Friday "with dinner" wines.  Not overpowering, but not awful.  Just pleasantly there.  Please note however, that I was vastly disappointed with my chicken choice.  It flattened out the taste of the wine and made it next to flavorless.  EPIC FAIL.

The second time I tried the Concannon, we included it with grilled steak.  Much better choice.  In fact, if you read the back of the label, it is very oddly specific about exactly what to pair the wine with.  Overall, I would give this wine a 3 out of 5 star rating when paired incorrectly (MY BAD).  I would give it a 4 out of 5 rating when paired properly, just because it wasn't a wine that really grabbed me and said, "HELLO THERE!  I AM ON YOUR PALATE!"


Welcome to Frier Finds!


Hello, there you!

Welcome to my new little blog, Frier Finds!  Here you will find product reviews, deals and coupons, DIY projects, random ramblings from me, and whatever else I may decide to do!

A little bit about myself...I'm a stay at home mom of two boys.  OK, enough about me!  Let's get on with the blog :)